Executive Management
Tarlochan Singh
Principal Officer
Tarlochan Singh was appointed as the Principal Officer of SUN effective from 1st January 2022. Prior to being appointed as the Principal Officer, Tarlochan was the General Manager Finance & Compliance since 2013. Tarlochan also held the position of Company Secretary from April 2013 till April 2023.
Prior to joining SUN, Tarlochan worked in various Privately-Owned Companies, Non-Governmental Organization and Tertiary Institutions. Tarlochan was also lecturing at Fiji National University for their Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Program from 2018 till 2022. He specialized in teaching Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Corporate Governance, Strategic and Human & Resources courses. He also previously had taught for the MBA program at University of Fiji.
Tarlochan is a Senior Associate Member of the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF), specializing in Risk Management. He is currently pursuing his Senior Associate in Loss Adjusting from ANZIIF. He is also a Chartered Accountant (Fiji) and a Certified Professional Member of the Fiji Human Resource Institute.
Tarlochan holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Commerce (Accounting) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Information Systems from the University of the South Pacific.
Tarlochan is currently the President of the Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants (FICA) and the immediate past Vice President of FICA.
Thomas Naua
General Manager Operations
Thomas Naua was appointed the General Manager Operations in September 2022.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Naua was the General Manager Customer Service since July 2017.
Thomas’s specific focus is on maintaining SUN’s reputation as the premium provider of Insurance customer service in the country.
Thomas was the Head of the Claims Team over the years and has maintained his loyalty to the Sun team. Having climbed through the ranks, he has a very thorough understanding of the entire process structure within the company and thus ideally suited to address any service shortcomings. His in-depth knowledge of Insurance Law which has earned him respect of the legal fraternity.
He holds an Associateship from the Australia & New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance, ANZIIF (Assoc) CIP.
Thomas joined Sun from the former company National MBF. Thomas is the longest serving member of staff at Sun.

Yeshukant Kumar
Manager Finance & Company Secretary
Yeshukant Kumar was appointed as the Manager Finance in March 2024.
Acting Manager Risk & Compliance in September 2022. Subsequently, in April 2023, he was appointed as the Manager Risk & Compliance.
Prior to this appointment, he was the was the Accountant for 12 years at SUN, and subsequently appointed as the Manager Risk & Compliance effective September 2022.
Yeshukant was appointed as the Company Secretary in April 2023.
Yeshukant is an Associate Accountant Member of the Fiji Institute of Accountants.
Yeshukant holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting & Financial Management and Information Systems from the University of the South Pacific.
Prior to joining SUN, Yeshukant worked as Assistant Accountant at Maritime & Ports Authority of Fiji.
Binay Dutt
Manager Claims
Binay Dutt was appointed the Manager Claims in January 2020. Prior to his appointment, he was Assistant Manager Claims from July 2017.
Having started at SUN as an in-house Motor Claims Adjuster, the former motor mechanic has in-depth knowledge of Motor repairs.
Binay was the key & founding member of SUN’s Roadside & Claims Assist which was launched in 2010 as part of SUN’s innovative offerings to the Fiji market.
Binay also has extensive experience in dealing with large catastrophe claims having been part of the On the Ground Response Team.
A graduate of FIT (now FNU) in the field of Automotive Engineering and his in-depth knowledge and analytical approach through the years has proven to be an asset in the overall management of claims.
He is currently working towards completing his ANZIIF qualifications.
Avikash Ram
Manager Customer Service & Sales
Avikash Ram was appointed as the Manager Customer Services and Sales in September 2022.
Avikash’s responsibilities are focused on customer outcomes and ensuring that SUN’s brand promise is fulfilled. He is also responsible for managing all Corporate Affairs, Broker Relations, Customer Relations, and Branch & Agency performance.
Prior to being appointed as the Manager Customer Services and Sales, Avikash was the Manager Underwriting Broker between 2018-2022. Climbing the ranks with his dedication and commitment, he has made his way from being a Customer Service Officer to being the first Branch Manager of the Nadi Branch in 2014.
A charm of a character and originally from Savusavu, the hidden paradise of Fiji, Avikash has been with SUN for over twelve [12] years now.
Fresh trainee from Fiji National University, Avikash has been a valued staff since his early days to making his way to a management position. He has always shown initiative in the performance of his duties to ensure that SUN delivers quality service while producing the expected outputs.
Avikash is a Charted Insurance Professional from ANZIIF (Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance), Senior Associate - General Insurance and is currently pursuing his Senior Associate in Loss Adjusting. He also holds the position of a provisional member of AICLA (Australian Institute of Charted Loss Adjusters).
Eleni Finau Adiyawa
Manager Underwriting
Eleni Finau Adiyawa was appointed as the Manager Underwriting in September 2022.
Prior to this appointment, Ms. Finau was Manager Underwriting Non-Broker since April 2018.
The Koro native after graduating from the Fiji Institute of Technology joined SUN in 2006 as a Receptionist & Data Entry Operator and then quickly rose to several supervisory and management positions such as Customer Service Officer, Senior Customer Service Officer, Senior Broker Executive and Assistant Manager Underwriting. She had always shown inventiveness in the performance of her duties and years of hard work have finally made her achieve such a respectable position in the company.
Eleni is currently pursuing her study towards the ANZIIF (Senior Assoc) CIP – Diploma.

Ronald Kumar
Manager Information Technology
Ronald Kumar was appointed as the Manager Information Technology in April 2022.
Ronald is a Certified Information Technology Professional with over 15 years of local and international industry experience specializing in IT Infrastructure, Telephony, Security, Cloud Computing, Project and Quality Management, Business Analysis and Business Management.
Ronald worked on various managerial levels in the telecommunication industry, retail and manufacturing industries, banking and finance sectors, medical and aviation industries before joining Sun.
Ronald holds various international memberships, actively contributes to the Information Technology and electronics industry globally and has recently been awarded the Chief Technology Officer of the Year award by the American Awards organization – Globee.

Akanshni Lata
Manager Risk & Compliance
Akanshni Lata was appointed as the Risk & Compliance Officer in September 2022. Subsequently, in March 2024, she was appointed as the Acting Manager of Risk & Compliance.
Prior to her appointment as the Risk & Compliance Officer, Akanshni spent 5 years in the Finance Team, initially as the Finance Officer and later promoted to Senior Finance Officer. Additionally, she spent 6 months in the Underwriting Team as the Customer Service Officer upon joining SUN in 2016.
In November 2022, Akanshni was also appointed as SUN’s Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer.
Currently, she is pursuing membership with CPA Australia.
Akanshni holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting & Economics from the University of the South Pacific, and she is currently working towards her membership with CPA Australia.
Prior to joining SUN, Akanshni worked as an Invoicing Clerk at Narhari Electrical Pte Ltd.
"Our Staff are highly experienced in general insurance business. We are committed to upgrading their skills and invest heavily in their continuing education and training."