• About SUN



    SUN Insurance (SUN) Company Limited is the only Fiji owned and operated General Insurance Company. The Company is head quartered at the Kaunikuila House, in Flagstaff, Suva, with its network of Agents and Branches spread across Fiji Islands.
    SUN was borne out of NMBF Insurance (Fiji) Ltd when 3 local businessmen took over the ownership of the fledging Company and re-named it as SUN Insurance in October 1999. With a mere premium turnover of $650,000 in 1999, Sun has grown to be a large player in the Fiji market with just under 20% of the Fiji General Insurance market with a turnover in excess of $25 million in 2017.
    SUN is proudly a 100% Fiji owned entity with all its profits retained within the Fiji economy. Since its inception SUN Insurance has invested around $40million in the Fiji economy. Further, SUN is the only company in Fiji with 100% local staff content. This gives Sun the edge in understanding the needs and requirement of its local customers. Thus, this has led to our slogan of “For Fijians By Fijian”
    The Company has three (3) branches, where specialized Insurance advice is provided to its existing and potential clients. To supplement the work of the Head Office & Branches, SUN has appointed twelve (12) Agents that are conveniently located throughout Fiji. With the Fiji wide coverage and being the only Local Insurance Company, SUN has been able to capture the Market in a very short period.

    The Past

    In recent years, SUN has aspired to bring its Claims service ability to a new a level. During the natural disasters (since 2009), Sun Insurance was lauded for its fast and efficient response to cycle and flood claims where a specialist Claims Emergency Response Team was assembled within hours to attend to the needs of the affected customers. During TC Winston, SUN was able to visit all its clients with the affected region and process clients with 72 hours of the cyclone passing the Fiji Group. Recently during TC Joshi & Keni in 2018, SUN was able to mobilize its team to affected areas within 48 hours of the event with the first payments going to its client within 48 hours after the event. This was the driving force of our catch phrase of “VINAKA SUN” as eluded by our customers.
    Sun has been known for its innovation. SUN was the first company to introduce the Online Banking System, Claims Tracking System, Road Side Claims Assist, Online Customer Payment Portal, and more recently the introduction of CURU MAI “A Drive Thru Claims assist for Vehicle Accidents”.

    The Future

    SUN has launched its new Motor Vehicle Policy in October 2018, followed by the new Houseowners/Fire Policy by January 2019. SUN has been in the market now for almost 20years and it is time that we listen to our customers and provide them with the best Insurance Coverage which will be rolled out from October 2018.
    SUN is now ensuring that the Company diversify its Portfolio of Business and as such is now investing in the Real Estate. The soon to be completed 5 story building in Legalega, opposite the Nadi International Airport will be the first project, followed by another building project next to this in Nadi. The Company will invest almost $35million into these two (2) Nadi projects in the next 3 years, which is estimated to create over 200 employment to locals in the next 2-3 years. SUN is planning to further invest more than $40million into its properties in Toorak Suva by 2025.
    As SUN embarks into the twentieth (20th) year celebrations in 2019 – 2020, SUN will be introducing other products and services that the Fijian Market has been lacking over the past decades, with New Policies, Efficient Service and a One Stop Shop for all General Insurance needs for all Fijians.

Company Informations

Sun Insurance Company Limited

Grnd & Level 1 Sun Insurance,
Kaunikula House,
Laucala Bay Road, Suva

Contact Details

E-mail address:

Contact Us!

331 3822

Available 8:00am - 5:00pm


Postal: Sun Insurance,

Private Mail Bag Suva,

Fiji Islands