• Motor Vehicle Comprehensive Insurance

    (Mazda, Toyota, Ford etc)
    (Yaris, Ranger, 320 etc)
    (Hybrid / Non-Hybrid)
    (Sedan, Station Wagon. SUV, Utility (Twin Cab, Single Cab, etc…), Truck, Van)
    For what purpose will the vehicle be used? :

    Others (Please Specify)
    Have you or anyone who will be driving the insured car had an accident in the past 3 years? :

    (If so, please provide details)
    Will this be your first policy with Sun Insurance?:

    (If no, please provide details)
    Full Comprehensive covers include damage to your vehicle and damage to Third Party Vehicles. However, in order to opt for a lower premium, you may opt for a limited cover which shall cover damage to Third Party vehicles only or Fire Damage Cover only. Do you require Full Comprehensive cover or limited Third Party Property Damage Cover or Fire Damage Cover?:

    Do you require breach of Warranty Cover? :

    (This option carries an additional premium of $200 plus VAT and Other Levies)
    Do you require a rental cover? :

    (covers for rental vehicle hire whilst your vehicle is being repaired as a result of an insurance claim)
    Our standard deductible for windscreen damage is 10% of the Loss, Minimum $100 or do you require this excess to be waived with a $100 charge? :

    Enter security code:
     Security code

Company Informations

Sun Insurance Company Limited

Grnd & Level 1 Sun Insurance,
Kaunikula House,
Laucala Bay Road, Suva

Contact Details

E-mail address:

Contact Us!

331 3822

Available 8:00am - 5:00pm


Postal: Sun Insurance,

Private Mail Bag Suva,

Fiji Islands